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Edexcel Geography past papers and mark schemes 
https://revisionworld.com/gcse-revision/geography/geography-gcse-past-papers/edexcel-gcse-geography-past-papers – make sure you download and try the Spec B past papers. The Spec A are different.

BBC Bitesize 

Seneca Learning. This is a good website with plenty of links to help you.

Revision tips:

  • You should be aiming for at least half an hour to an hour a day of revision. By doing this, you will improve your chances of attaining a good GCSE result.
  • You also have your revision notes from your time at school
  • Trying one past paper every few days will let you know the style of questions you will see regularly pop up. Also, look at the mark scheme. That will inform you of the style of answers they will be looking for.
  • Choosing one topic every few days and going through your revision guide will start you off. Once you have done this, try answering the questions in the workbook.
  • If you are stuck on anything, please use the phone number you have been e-mailed and I will help you.


BBC Bitesize is a really useful link for RS.
At Tor School we study WJEC A-G GCSE Religious Studies from summer 2019, Christianity and Islam:



Religious Studies

Studying R.S gives students the opportunity to debate, discuss and understand how religious beliefs, traditions and cultures impacts on society.


Tor School offers both G.C.S.E full course and short course. The course covers:

Philosophy and Ethics

Issues of life and death –euthanasia, abortion, environmental issues, afterlife.

Issues of relationships –family, gender roles, sexual relationships, divorce and same –sex relationships

Issues of good and evil – suffering, crime and punishment, free will, justice

Issues of human rights – discrimination, prejudice, extremism, poverty

Beliefs, traditions and practices

Christianity and Islam