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Tor School


In Key Stage 3 humanities we build upon the skills and knowledge gained in primary school, in order to reinforce and practice key ideas. Each term pupils work within a topic area in one of the three humanities disciplines of either History, Geography or Religious and moral studies. Additionally, many of the topic units mirror the WEJEC combined humanities syllabus which work can if entered build credits for pupils going forward towards future qualification in KS4.

Throughout Key Stage 3 Humanities, students have the opportunity to explore the world around them including their local area and question the past and moral decisions made in the present, whilst learning core skills such as extended writing, source analysis and spoken language. When needed schemes of work are tailored to fit students start points and abilities through adaptive teaching practices meaning all students are able to experience success in Humanities.

Our aim is to offer a humanities curriculum which provides students with a rich and varied awareness of the world around them, by exploring the connections between the natural world, human history and real-life issues and decisions today. By reflecting upon students’ personal experiences, beliefs and opinions they are able to understand their place in society and prepare for adulthood.

Impact Statement





Humanities aims to prepare young people for living effectively in the wider world and preparing them for adult life and work.

We want Tor students to be aware of the natural world, understand the role of the past and is effects on the present and to be considered thinkers.The Humanities programme strives to deliver specific opportunities for students to work on these positive character qualities.

We believe that these skills will enhance opportunities.


Humanities delivered through weekly lessons with specialist staff.

There is some overlap with P4AL curriculum especially on units around the local area children live in and units around moral decision making.

Humanities delivered through weekly lessons with specialist staff, and the use of pupil exercise books, in conjunction with topic-based sessions twice a week. The use of short start and end quizzes in most sessions will check if learning is secure or not. Where it is not the aim is for “over teaching” either then or at a later date to be included.

Each topic carries with it 10 topic key word spellings that pupil learns across the term and are tested on near completion of the unit supporting whole school literacy.


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