Personal, Social & Health Education
Preparation For Adult Life (P4AL)
Statement of Intent
An integral part of student development at Tor school, is Preparation for adult life; we strive to enable our students to be empowered and make good choices so they are able to be successful in life after Tor.
P4AL is taught throughout the key stages and covers three key areas: Skills for Life, Relationships and Health and Wellbeing. This subject is taught by the tutor which engenders positive and meaningful relationships between the tutor and tutee.
Intention |
Implementation |
Impact |
Monitoring |
The Personal Development Programme aims to prepare young people for living effectively in the wider world and preparing them for adult life and work. We want Tor students to be recognised for: being of good character, resilient, honest, respectful, cooperative, confident and responsible. The PDP strives to deliver specific opportunities for students to work on these positive character qualities. We believe that these skills will enhance opportunities for our students at Post 16. |
The PDP will be delivered through tutors and the use of the Tor Achievement Folder, in conjunction with specifically designed PDP sessions once a week. There is some overlap with P4AL and appendix 1 illustrates the commonalities. |
Using baseline assessments for each of the outlined skills, tutors will be able to map progress and share with students. Increased participation in activities outside of students’ comfort zones will also demonstrate progress, for example: planning a whole school activity, Christmas and Summer Fair, Charity events, student voice. Termly awards to be given for achievement in the Tor Achievement Folder. |
Tutors to monitor and give feedback via Schoolpod. Feedback to be given to parents in weekly contact. SLT to have overview. |
Intention |
Implementation |
Impact |
Monitoring |
The Personal Development Programme aims to prepare young people for living effectively in the wider world and preparing them for adult life and work. We want Tor students to be recognised for: being of good character, resilient, honest, respectful, cooperative, confident and responsible. The PDP strives to deliver specific opportunities for students to work on these positive character qualities. We believe that these skills will enhance opportunities for our students at Post 16. |
The PDP will be delivered through tutors and the use of the Tor Achievement Folder, in conjunction with specifically designed PDP sessions once a week. There is some overlap with P4AL and appendix 1 illustrates the commonalities. |
Using baseline assessments for each of the outlined skills, tutors will be able to map progress and share with students. Increased participation in activities outside of students’ comfort zones will also demonstrate progress, for example: planning a whole school activity, Christmas and Summer Fair, Charity events, student voice. Termly awards to be given for achievement in the Tor Achievement Folder. |
Tutors to monitor and give feedback via Schoolpod. Feedback to be given to parents in weekly contact. VB to support staff. SLT to have overview. |
Key Stage |
Term 1 Skills for Life |
Term 2 Health and Wellbeing |
Term 3 Relationships |
Term 4 Skills for Life |
Term 5 Relationships |
Term 6 Health and Wellbeing |
KS3 |
Introduction to career pilot. Challenging career stereotypes and raising aspiration. |
Keeping healthy and making good choices. Diet and exercise, drugs, tobacco and alcohol. |
Self -esteem, romance and friendships. Types of families, consent and harms of pornography, introduction to contraception (pill and condoms). |
Finances and gambling. Budgeting, bank accounts, risks of gambling, planning a trip and costing it out. |
Bullying- based on gender, sexuality and race. Cyber bullying, social media bullying, online safety, sexting and sharing nudes. |
Good Mental Health. Strategies to manage, sign posting and indicators that someone is struggling. |
KS4 |
Career pilot. Exploring strengths and the local offer Post 16. |
Keeping healthy and mental health. Diet, exercise, substance abuse and strategies for well-being |
Managing relationships.
Types of relationships, STi’s consent, healthy and unhealthy relationships, sexting and sharing nudes, pornography and coercive behaviours- forced marriage and FGM. |
Finances, gambling and form filling. Budgeting, payslips, NI, tax and filling out a passport application. |
Diversity, Prejudice and bullying. British values. Challenging homophobia, racial prejudice, extremism and radicalisation. |
Good Mental Health Strategies to manage, coping with change, sign posting. |
RSE and Health Education Policy