PE and Sports Grant
Sport Premium for primary pupils
Since September 2013, all primary schools across England have received a share of the Government £150m per annum Primary Physical Education and Sport Premium. The funding is ring-fenced and must be spent on improving the provision and quality of PE and sport in primary schools so that pupils develop healthy, active lifestyles.
The PRU supports pupils with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. Through both our outreach and within Tor School, we provide a holistic approach to support and work closely in partnership with families and other professionals to ensure the best possible outcomes for pupils.
The benefits of physical activity for children are well established. Pupils who attend the PRU will be offered a range of physical activities, considering the needs of pupils. We believe that as well as its role for encouraging pupils to stay healthy and build confidence, Physical Education represents one of the basic tools to initiate, from an early age, healthy habits that contribute to physical and mental well-being. It embeds the PRU values.
Sports premium funding break down 2023/2024
Total of funds received (2033/2024) £1,167
Funds spent £1,190
Sports Premium Funding 2023-2024
Evaluation of Sports premium impact 2023/2024
Evaluation of Sports Premium Impact 2023-2024