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Tor School

Mendip Partnership Referral

What to do if the school wants support from Tor School (PRU) / Mendip Partnership Panel

Read the Tor School’s Outreach and Partnership offer.

Contact the Outreach and Partnership lead at Tor School: lisa.harcourt@troschool.org

They will be able to support with Tier 1 and 2 initially.

Outreach/partnership work at Tier 1 and 2 is an early intervention programme, best introduced when a student's behaviour has reached a level where a Pastoral or Behaviour Support Plan is being considered. 

The Tor School Outreach and Partnership lead needs to be involved before Tier 3 can be accessed.

If that has not worked:

Schools can refer students who are displaying very challenging behaviour despite interventions having been put in place. This referral goes to the Mendip Partnership Panel, which meets the last Thursday of every month. This is Tier 3.

Anyone from the Mendip Area schools can attend this meeting via TEAMs. There are 65 schools, infant, junior, primary, middle, and secondary schools.

 We will ask for evidence of what interventions and/or referrals have been tried.  These are shared at the Mendip Partnership panel with other professionals.

 There will be outcomes from the panel meeting. These will include suggestions on how the school can further support a student, sign posting, outreach support etc.

 Everyone who attends the Mendip Partnership Panel meeting will have the opportunity to read through the referrals before the meeting.  For this reason, it is important that the referral contains as much information as possible.

 If you have made a referral, you will be asked to talk about the student during the TEAMs meeting.  Summarising the referral form.  Professionals in the meeting may ask questions. 

Things to include in a referral:

  • The reason for the referral – bullet point the main reasons and include an overview. This can include background, current concerns/behaviours, agencies involved.
  • Outline any work or strategies that have been carried out with the learner to address the difficulties – A behaviour support plan/Pastoral support plan could be attached outlining what has been tried and what has worked/not worked. Also highlighting how long these strategies have been in place.  Assess, plan do review documents may also be useful.

 The referral needs to be as detailed as possible.


Referrals must be submitted by 5pm on the Wednesday prior to the panel meeting:

Mendip Partnership Referral Form